I sat decorative pumpkins out today. Unreal. The fact that this is my first real-time post from Alabama is little bit of intention but mostly due to unintentional loss of time. Harder2Kill may have started to chronicle my fitness journey, but when our life turned upside down at the beginning of the year, Harder2Kill became my therapist. All of you became a part of our journey. For those who took time to read my posts, you either really care about us or just enjoy a train wreck. Either way - your notes, comments and encouragement was reassuring to us during a scary, uncertain and vulnerable time. For the 6 months of radio silence, I'm sorry. So much was changing on a weekly (sometimes daily) basis that leaving chronologically journal-ed proof of our mess was a level of TMI that even I was unwilling to share!
And while Harder2Kill hasn't been published in a while, my journal-ing continued. I just needed time before being willing and able to publish. Topics either drafted or just framed for concept have continued. I have 47 posts sitting in draft mode after my blogging hiatus. So much has happened in the last six months, but I'm ready to start sharing some of the posts that were written. All the others I'm working to group in somewhat of a logical order and will backfill those as I can.
Cliff Notes Version of 2014
2. Spent January scared to death while trying not to freeze to death.
Polar Vortex.
4. March brought two amazing professional opportunities. One was local and one required a major move for the family. Why take the easy path? Half the family
moved to Alabama, while the other half remained in Illinois to finish the school year.
I started my new job.
Queue the Circus!
5. April required and all of us to
dig deep and attempt to settle into our New Yet Temporary Normal phase. Chaos was our normal.
So was FaceTime.
6. May got long.
Really Long. Everyone was missing someone. Summer break couldn't get here quick enough!
Come on summer!
7. June - School FINALLY over for my son. He was able to make the
move to Alabama. It was a mixed blessing for my Husband. His hard days were only just beginning. He packed, sold, stored, and moved all of our belongings AND
sold our house within three weeks! He literally carried the weight of our family on his shoulders.
Total badass in my book!
8. July - With the house sold and other loose ends tied off - my husband boldly decided it was time resign his position of 20 years and
explore what new career possibilities could unfold for him here.
Still a total badass in my book!
9. August - The Hubs joined the family in Alabama, and for the first time in months we were living under the same roof. School started back for my son and we entered the New, New Temporarily Normal phase. We'll we ever be normal?
10. September - Just a whole lot of normal life. Queue the Happy Dance sequence!
So here we are. It's October, I'm staring at pumpkins unable to absorb how quickly 2014 has sped by. Enjoy the back-filled posts. I welcome anyone interested in taking the journey with me. For those of you hoping for a train wreck, you'll not be disappointed either :)